Completed procurements
Finalized procurement of a Global Voting Service, dnr AP2 2017/47
23 November 2017
After extensive evaluation of different suppliers and their systems, the Funds have decided to award Institutional Shareholder Services Inc (ISS) and Nordic Investor Services (NIS) the contract.
Full award notice global voting (PDF document, 34 kB)
Göteborg 26 January 2016
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund, AP2, decided in the spring of 2015 to procure a Performance attribution system. The notice for the procurement was published in TED on the 11th of May, 2015. The procurement procedure was performed as an negotiated procurement and the process has followed the Swedish Government Procurement regulations (LOU, SFS 2007:1091).
The selection has been made based on a thorough evaluation focusing on system functionality incl. the ability to adapt analysis to AP2’s needs, user friendliness, documentation, training and support, price, charges and legal conditions.
In view of the above, AP2 have decided to award the contract to Ortec Finance B.V.
According to the law on public procurement there will be no signing of agreements until ten days has passed from the date given in this decision.
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund
Olle Eriksson
Head of Performance Measurement
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund has carried out a procurement of Global Custody Services.
After extensive evaluation of different suppliers and their services, we have decided to award the contract to
The Northern Trust Co
The decision has been made on the basis that this tender is considered to be the most economically advantageous based on the established criteria in the request for proposal.
Please, notice:
– All award criteria have been assessed according to the answers included in the applications.
– The award criteria have been based on a weighting of the following.
o RFP rankings exclusive of fees
o Fees
o Due diligence visit
o Migration
o Conviction factors
– Prices have been assessed according to what has been presented by the tenders.
According to the law on public procurement there will be no signing of agreements until July 25, 2015.
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund
Ola Eriksson
Head of IT, Business Control and Accounts
After an public procurement process for an Integrated Portfolio and Decision Support System for Private Equity Funds and Real Estate Investments The Second Swedish National Pension fund have made de decision to award The Burgiss Group LLC the contact.
April 15, 2015
The procurement has taken place as a negotiated pursuant to the Public Procurement Act (2007:1091) (LOU).
The procurement process for an Integrated Portfolio and Decision Support System for Private Equity Funds and Real Estate Investments started during the summer of 2014.
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) has been searching for an Integrated Portfolio and Decision Support System for Private Equity Funds and Real Estate Investments. The systems overall functionality and ability to support AP2:s processes (work flow) have been important topics in the evaluation. Equally important have been the systems benchmark analysis, peer group analysis, portfolio company monitoring and analysis.
The evaluation process have been completed. AP2 has found that the solution Burgiss Group has provided will best support the investment management (system functionality, reporting, decision support, portfolio company analysis e.t.c) for the Private Equity Funds and Real Estate Investments.
In view of the above, AP2 have decided to appoint Burgiss Group LLC as the provider of an Integrated Portfolio and Decision Support System for Private Equity Funds and Real Estate Investments.
/Anders Strömblad
Award decision for a new “Multi-Asset Risk Analysis System” with Barra LLC
Göteborg November 1, 2014
The procurement has taken place as a negotiated pursuant to the Public Procurement Act (2007:1091) (LOU).
In late autumn of 2013 the Second Swedish National Pension Fund completed a pre-study of the requisites for risk analysis system support for the front office and the risk team. This analysis was the basis for the procurement taking place during the spring and autumn of 2014.
Thus AP2 has been searching for an integrated multi-functional risk system where both the risk and front office team’s requirements were taken into consideration within a predefined budget.
The evaluation process was completed using a model which started with the applicants offer price and then subtracted value for desired quality-gauged functionality according to a predetermined scoring system. Evaluated functionality included areas such as coverage of our investment universe, fundamental factor modelling, style analysis, simulations, ESG, user friendliness, flexibility, stress testing and ex-post analysis.
Barra International LLC was selected as it was the most economically advantageous tender in accordance with all of the above.
CONTRACT AWARD DECISION 2014_ Multi-asset risk system.pdf (PDF-document, 49 kB)
Henrik Westergård – Chief Risk Officer
Allocation decision regarding framework agreements for analysis of environmental, social and ethical aspects including advice
Göteborg November 6, 2014
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund – AP2 has decided to sign framework agreements with Eiris, Ethix SRI Advisors, GES Investment Services, Hermes Equity Ownership Services, Solaron Sustainability Services, Sustainalytics and Vigeo for the possibility of delivering analysis concerning environmental, social and ethical aspects and advice.
The decision has been made on the basis that these tenders are considered to be the most economically advantageous based on the established criteria in the request for proposal. The assessment of the criteria was made based on the material included in the offer and then confirmed, clarified or deepened by meeting or teleconference, or in contact with references.
• Quality, competence and experience have been assessed according to the specifications of the areas listed.
• Experience in working with organizations such as the AP funds and the Ethical Council has been assessed from what has been stated in the tenders.
• Prices have been assessed according to what has been presented by the tenders.
Framework agreements will be signed covering all services offered by each service provider.
According to the law on public procurement there will be no signing of agreements until ten days has passed from the date given in this decision.
For more information contact:
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications
Telephone +46(0)31 704 29 00
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund, AP2, decided in the spring 2014 to procure Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) System. The notice for the procurement was published in TED on the 13th of March, 2014. The procurement procedure was performed as an open procurement and the procurement process has followed the Swedish Government Procurement regulations (LOU, SFS 2007:1091).
After extensive evaluation of different suppliers and their systems, AP2 has decided to award Liquidmetrix the contract.
The main reasons why AP2 selected Liquidmetrix are:
• The system has tick data on all markets AP2 currently trade on.
• The system has a replay of order book feature.
• The most economically beneficial system at a low cost.
AP2 has concluded the procurement of a fixed income portfolio management system
December 2013
Following an extensive tendering and evaluation process, the Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) has decided to use Barclays POINT as fixed income portfolio management system.
The selection has been made based on a thorough evaluation focusing on system functionality, quality of analytical models, system development, user friendliness, as well as fees.
Award of procurement for a Global Voting Service
November 2013
The First to Fourth AP Funds (The Funds) have carried out a procurement of a Global Voting Service.
After extensive evaluation of different suppliers and their systems, we have decided to award Institutional Shareholders Services Inc (ISS) and Nordic Investment Services (NIS) the contract.
The tender is now closed.
The reasons why the Funds selected ISS and NIS are:
• High quality of the analyses.
• Voting recommendations tailored to the voting policy of each specific customer.
• A system that allows for management of the entire voting process from notification to post event vote reporting through a single platform.
• The most economically beneficial system with a low total cost.
Kind regards,
For the Second AP Fund on behalf of the First, Third and Fourth AP Funds.
/Ulrika Danielson
AP2 has awarded external investment managers for China A-share asset management services
April 2013
Following an extensive tendering and evaluation process, the Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) has approved six external investment managers within the area of China A-share Asset Management Services.
The appointments refer solely to the fact that these investment managers have been approved to manage mandates within China A-share Asset Management Services. Potential funding occurs subsequent to separate decisions, at the discretion of AP2.
The appointed managers are (in alphabetical order):
• APS Asset Management
• Bosera Asset Management
• Cephei Capital Management
• Goldman Sachs Asset Management
• Harvest Fund Management
• UBS Global Asset Management
The selection of managers has been made based on a thorough evaluation process comprising organisation and business management, strategy, philosophy and process, performance and risk, reporting and client services, ESG, organisational compatibility and product fit and fees.
Allocation decision regarding framework agreements for analysis of environmental, social and ethical aspects including advice
Göteborg November 18, 2010
The Second Swedish National Pension Fund – AP2 has decided to sign framework agreements with Ethix SRI Advisors, GES Investment Services, Northwest & Ethical Investments and Sustainalytics for the possibility of delivering analysis concerning environmental, social and ethical aspects and advice.
The decision has been made on the basis that these tenders are considered to be the most economically advantageous based on the established criteria in the request for proposal. The assessment of the criteria was made based on the material included in the offer and then confirmed, clarified or deepened by meeting or teleconference, or in contact with references.
- Quality, competence and experience have been assessed according to the specifications of the areas listed.
- Experience in working with organizations such as the AP funds and the Ethical Council has been assessed from what has been stated in the tenders.
- Prices have been assessed according to what has been presented by the tenders.
Framework agreements covering all services addressed in the request for proposal will be signed with Ethix SRI Advisors, GES Investment Services and Sustainalytics. The framework agreement with Northwest and Ethical Investments will be signed solely on part 4 covering advice and support with dialogs.
According to the law on public procurement there will be no signing of agreements until ten days has passed from the date given in this decision.
For more information contact:
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications
Telephone +46(0)31 704 29 00
AP2 has awarded external investment managers for global credit bonds
February 2010
Following an extensive tendering and evaluation process, the Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) has approved five external investment managers within the area of Global Credit Bonds.
The appointments refer solely to the fact that these investment managers have been approved to manage mandates within Global Credit Bonds. Potential funding occurs subsequent to separate decisions, at the discretion of AP2.
The appointed managers are (in alphabetical order):
- BNY Mellon Asset Management
- Goldman Sachs Asset Management
- Rogge Global Partners
- Schroders Investment Management
The selection of managers has been made based on a thorough evaluation process comprising fees, organization & team, investment strategy & process and performance & risk.
Award of procurement for a Global Voting Service
December 2009
The First to Fourth AP Funds (The Funds) have carried out a procurement of a Global Voting Service.
After extensive evaluation of different suppliers and their systems, we have decided to award Manifest Information Services Limited the contract.
The tender is now closed.
The reasons why the Funds selected Manifest:
- High quality of the analyses.
- Voting recommendations tailored to the voting policy of each specific customer.
- A system that allows for management of the entire voting process from notification to post event vote reporting through a single platform.
- The most economically beneficial system with the lowest total cost.
For the First AP Fund and on behalf of the Second, Third and Fourth AP Funds
/Ossian Ekdahl
Award of tender for ethical and environmental analysis including advice
December 2006
Following the invitation to tender for ethical and environmental analysis including advice (AP2 2006/0022), the Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) has accepted the tender offer of GES Investment Services.
The reasons for the award are as follows:
GES Investment Services’ tender was considered to be the most financially attractive. The company offers a comprehensive solution covering all the aspects specified in the tender:
- High-quality analysis regarding compliance with conventions applicable to companies within the AP funds’ investment remit
- High-quality company analysis focused on ethical and environmental factors
- Advisory services and comprehensive support relating to discussions with companies on ethical and environmental issues.
GES Investment Services also meets the tender requirement of geographic proximity and ability to communicate in Swedish. The company’s comprehensive solution facilitates and provides flexibility in the funds’ ethical and environmental analysis and dialogue with companies on these issues. The tender offer is also financially attractive.
AP2 has finalized the procurement of a new risk system
October 2006
AP2 has finalized the procurement of a new risk system and ASP (Application Service Provider)-services for its Risk analysis. AP2 decided to award a contract for an ASP Risk System to Risk Metrics Group Inc based on their tender and on the terms agreed upon between AP2 and Risk Metrics Group Inc.
Completed Procurement (Word-document, 75 kB)
AP2 has awarded external investment managers for global equity mandates
February 2005
Following an extensive tendering and evaluation process, the Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) has approved seven external investment managers within the area Global Equities.
The appointments refer solely to the fact that these investment managers have been approved to manage mandates within Global Equities. Potential funding occurs subsequent to separate decisions, at the discretion of AP2.
The appointed managers are (in alphabetical order)
- Alliance Bernstein Ltd.
- Capital International Ltd.
- Carnegie Investment Bank Asset Management
- Franklin Templeton Investments
- JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management
- MFS International Ltd.
- Wellington Management International Ltd.
AP2 has awarded external investment managers for fixed income mandates
September 2004
Following an extensive tendering and evaluation process, the Second Swedish National Pension Fund/AP2 has approved eight external investment managers within the area Global Fixed Income.
The mandates are awarded in three different categories based on for AP2 customized versions of the Lehman Brothers index families.
The appointments refer solely to the fact that these investment managers have been approved to manage mandates within this framework. Potential activation occurs later, subsequent to separate decisions, at the discretion of AP2.
The appointed managers are (in alphabetical order and mandate);
Lehman Global government/credit ex Asia;
- Bridgewater Associates
- Capital International Ltd
- Rogge Global Partners Plc
Lehman US Government/Credit;
- BlackRock International Ltd
- Singer & Friedlander Investment Management Ltd
- Wellington Management Company, LLP
Lehman Global Credit ex Asia;
- Franklin Templeton Institutional
- Payden & Rygel
- Rogge Global Partners Plc
AP2 has awarded external investment managers for GTAA mandates
June 2004
Following an extensive tendering and evaluation process, the Second Swedish National Pension Fund/AP2 has approved five (5) external investment managers in the area Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA). Investment mandates are absolute return mandates, run on an overlay basis using index futures and currency forward derivatives instrument.
The appointments refer solely to the fact that these investment managers have been approved to manage mandates within this framework. Potential activation occurs later, subsequent to separate decisions, at the discretion of AP2.
The appointed managers are (in alphabetical order);
- Barclays Global Investors
- Bridgewater Associates
- First Quadrant, L.P.
- Goldman Sachs Asset Management
- JP Morgan Investment Management