The United Nations has selected the Second AP Fund, with 14 other pension funds around the world, as exceptionally successful in addressing sustainability issues in the finance sector.

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the United Kingdom Social Investment Forum (UKSIF) have published a book in which a number of international pension funds are presented as leading role models for sustainability issues within the finance sector. The Second AP Fund has been selected as the sole Swedish representative.

UNEP FI and UKSIF have gathered examples of concrete and practical strategies employed by some of the world’s leading pension funds and presented them in this joint publication. These examples are intended to give other fund managers ideas as to how sustainability issues can best be integrated as part of the investment process.

More than 25 pension funds were initially considered for inclusion, 15 of which were selected for the published report. Examples range from the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) to the employees pension fund of Banco do Brasil (PREVI) and Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites (FRR), France’s equivalent to Sweden’s “AP Funds”. The report presents a large number of strategies, featuring varying degrees of implementation, from Brazil, Canada, France, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Holland, the USA and Great Britain. The Second AP Fund and Norska Statens Pensionsfond (Norway’s former Petroleum Fund) are the only Nordic examples included in the report. The report is available in its entirety on the Web at

For further details, please contact Carl Rosén, head of Corporate Governance & Communications, Second Swedish National Pension Fund/AP2, on +46 (0)739 40 10 10