In-house environmental programme
AP2 works in various ways to contribute to sustainable employees and minimise the environmental impact of its own operations. The Fund’s greatest direct environmental impact comes from premises and from business travel. Employees are the Fund’s most important asset. The Fund therefore works continuously on competence development, leadership training and creating a stimulating working environment.
AP2’s largest environmental impact comes from energy consumption for office purposes
and travel. In the beginning of 2024, the Fund moved to new premises that are better adapted to a flexible way of working. With 33 per cent less space, it will reduce energy consumption. The new office has been refurbished with sustainability in mind when choosing materials, and furniture has been reused as far as possible. Since 2015, AP2 has had a green lease agreement with the landlord Hufvudstaden, which is also the landlord for the new premises. An annual action plan to reduce the environmental impact of the premises is drawn up. This is achieved by only using green electricity, and by taking measures to reduce energy consumption. The Fund’s office also practices sorting at source and composting of waste.
Sustainable employees – a smart investment
Thriving and sustainable employees in a stimulating working environment are of the utmost importance for the Fund’s activities to be conducted with high quality and good results. At AP2, this is achieved through the Fund’s culture, which is based on the four values Results-driven, Committed, Responsible and Open. A flexible working method, where it is possible to work from the office or elsewhere, also helps employees to strike the right work-life balance.
We provide ongoing training within each employee’s area of expertise, including joint seminars and lectures in the fields of finance, sustainability and current research.
Good leadership also contributes to sustainable operations. Based on an accepted leadership model, managers must serve as role models and act in accordance with the Fund’s values. The aim is to develop employees and for the organisation to pursue a common goal.
AP2 encourages a healthy and sustainable lifestyle and works actively to create a high level of well-being. Exercise and good health are a vital aspect of the Fund’s corporate culture, and all employees are therefore offered a fitness activity allowance and regular medical check-ups. Health and lifestyle are also discussed at the yearly employee appraisals.