AP2 is both a member and sponsor of various Swedish and international initiatives in the fields of sustainability, ethics and corporate governance. Below are some examples.

All areasESG Data Convergence InitiativeCatalyze convergence toward consistent reporting on material ESG metrics for private companiesMember
GRESBProvides ESG performance data and peer benchmarks for investors on real-estateMember
Sweden’s Sustainable Investment Forum (SWESIF)Swedish sustainable investment forumMember
UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)UN-supported network of financial institutions working together to integrate six principlesWork according to commitments, participate in networksFounding signatory
WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability AwardRecognise and support outstanding contribution within sustainability around the worldPartner  
ClimateCeres Food Emissions 50Investor engagement with high-emitting companies in the food industrySignatory, participant
Climate Action 100+Investor-led initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate changeResponsible for engagement with Volvo GroupSignatory, participant
Net Zero Engagement Initiative (NZEI)The initiative aims to support investors align more of their investment portfolio with the goals of the Paris AgreementResponsible for engagement with five companiesSignatory, participant
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)International framework for climate reportingReport in line with frameworkSignatory
The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC)A global investor membership body focusing on climate changeOpportunity to contribute to joint initiativesSupporting partner
The Paris Aligned Asset Owners initiative (PAAO)  A global investor network focusing on how investors can adapt their portfolios to the goals of the Paris AgreementObligation to report against ten commitmentsSignatory
BiodiversityFarm Animal Investment Risk & Return (FAIRR)An investor collaboration that works for increased awareness of sustainability issues in the food sectorParticipate in networks and dialogues with companiesMember
Finance for Biodiversity FoundationSupporting a call to action and collaboration among financial institutions to reverse nature lossWork according to commitments, participate in networksMember
Finance Sector Deforestation Action (FSDA)A collaborative investor initiative who are working toward eliminating agricultural commodity-driven deforestation risks in their investment and lending portfolios by 2025Participate in networks, leading dialogues with companies on deforestationSignatory
Investors Policy Dialogue on Deforestation (IPDD)A collaborative investor initiative to engage with companies on deforestationParticipate in a working group for BrazilMember of working group
Nature Action 100Strives to set a common agenda for advocacy work with the companies that have the greatest negative impact on biodiversityEngagement lead in company dialoguesSignatory
Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)International principles for reporting on nature riskReport in line with the frameworkMember of the TNFD Forum
Human RightsInvestor Alliance for Human RightsProvides institutional investors with a platform to increase capacity and impact in addressing human rights risks associated with business activitiesContribute to the work on company dialogues, attend meetings and contribute to joint statements. Active in the Uighur engagementMember
Platform Living Wage Financials (PLWF)An alliance of financial institutions that encourages and monitors investee companies to enable living wages and incomes in their global supply chainsParticipate in working groups, conduct comparative studies, benchmark assessment and lead dialogue with companiesMember
PRI Advance 
Diversity, Equity & InclusionInstitutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA), Diversity and Inclusion initiativeA member-driven organisation to connect limited partnersWork according to commitmentsMember
Mitt LivWork with diversity and inclusion in the Swedish labour marketWork according to commitmentsPartner
Corporate GovernanceAsian Corporate Governance Network (ACGA)Membership organisation promoting effective corporate governance practices throughout AsiaParticipate in networks, working groups and dialogue with companiesMember
Institutionella Ägares Förening (IÄF)A non-profit association with the purpose of safeguarding the members’ interests as institutional owners in the Swedish stock market by promoting a good development of self-regulation in the stock marketAttend meetings and contribute to joint statementsMember
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)Network that promotes effective standards of corporate governance and investor stewardship to advance efficient markets and sustainable economies worldwideAttend meetings and contribute to joint statementsMember

Read more about memberships and initiatives and the commitments AP2 has in the Fund’s Sustainability Report under the heading “Engagement”.