Andra AP-fonden (AP2) continued to develop its sustainability work in 2022. This took place within all of the now five focus areas prioritised by the Fund. Review and revision of the Fund’s sustainability policy was a key activity during the year. Andra AP-fonden has also developed a new method, in six parts, of how the Fund’s sustainability work is conducted through responsible investments and responsible ownership.
“Review of our sustainability policy resulted in a decision to add another focus area, biodiversity, to the four previous focus areas. We also decided to expand the diversity area to include equity and inclusion,” says Eva Halvarsson, Andra AP-fonden’s CEO.
”Biodiversity – diversity within species and between species and ecosystems – is diminishing more rapidly than ever before in the history of humankind, with extensive consequences for the environment, people and the economy. AP2 has defined a long-term goal for its biodiversity work, which is to contribute to a net positive impact on nature by 2030 at the latest,” says Eva Halvarsson.
“The total carbon emissions for the Fund’s equity portfolios are continuing to decrease and declined by 10 per cent in 2022 compared with the previous year. From 2019, we’ve reduced our total carbon emissions for the listed equity portfolio by around 37 per cent,” says Eva Halvarsson.
“During the year, we drew up ten criteria that the Fund’s timberland investments must fulfil in order to be classified as a sustainability investment. The ten criteria mean, among other things, that managers of timberland assets must have a comprehensive and externally published policy for responsible investments, that timberland assets must be managed in a sustainable way that is verified by a third party under a certification scheme, and that all managers of timberland assets must integrate TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) recommendations into their reporting,” says Eva Halvarsson.
“Based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, during the year we also evaluated how the Fund can understand and measure the impacts of our investments on the environment and people. The aim of the evaluation is to be able to implement targeted sustainability investments in a way that allows the Fund to set goals for, measure and follow up the expected positive impact of these investments. Another aim is to understand and be able to manage impact risks and opportunities across the entire listed portfolio,” says Eva Halvarsson.
The English versions of AP2’s Sustainability and TCFD Reports will be available at from mid March.
For further information please contact:
Eva Halvarsson, Andra AP-fonden’s CEO, tel. +46 (0)31 704 29 00 or
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications and Corporate Governance, tel. +46 (0)709 50 16 13.
Andra AP-fonden is one of five buffer funds within the Swedish pension system and one of northern Europe’s largest pension funds. The Fund covers essentially all asset classes across the entire world. We are leading specialists in the Swedish pension system and strive to be a world-class asset manager. We are a global leader in integrating sustainability in our investments, for the benefit of the pension system. The Fund is a long-term and responsible asset manager.