Andra AP-fonden publishes the 2022 Sustainability Report – expanding its focus areas within sustainability

Andra AP-fonden (AP2) continued to develop its sustainability work in 2022. This took place within all of the now five focus areas prioritised by the Fund. Review and revision of the Fund’s sustainability policy was a key activity during the year. Andra AP-fonden has also developed a new method, in six parts, of how the Fund’s sustainability work is conducted through responsible investments and responsible ownership.

“Review of our sustainability policy resulted in a decision to add another focus area, biodiversity, to the four previous focus areas. We also decided to expand the diversity area to include equity and inclusion,” says Eva Halvarsson, Andra AP-fonden’s CEO.

”Biodiversity – diversity within species and between species and ecosystems – is diminishing more rapidly than ever before in the history of humankind, with extensive consequences for the environment, people and the economy. AP2 has defined a long-term goal for its biodiversity work, which is to contribute to a net positive impact on nature by 2030 at the latest,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“The total carbon emissions for the Fund’s equity portfolios are continuing to decrease and declined by 10 per cent in 2022 compared with the previous year. From 2019, we’ve reduced our total carbon emissions for the listed equity portfolio by around 37 per cent,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“During the year, we drew up ten criteria that the Fund’s timberland investments must fulfil in order to be classified as a sustainability investment. The ten criteria mean, among other things, that managers of timberland assets must have a comprehensive and externally published policy for responsible investments, that timberland assets must be managed in a sustainable way that is verified by a third party under a certification scheme, and that all managers of timberland assets must integrate TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) recommendations into their reporting,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“Based on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, during the year we also evaluated how the Fund can understand and measure the impacts of our investments on the environment and people. The aim of the evaluation is to be able to implement targeted sustainability investments in a way that allows the Fund to set goals for, measure and follow up the expected positive impact of these investments. Another aim is to understand and be able to manage impact risks and opportunities across the entire listed portfolio,” says Eva Halvarsson.

The English versions of AP2’s Sustainability and TCFD Reports will be available at from mid March.

For further information please contact:
Eva Halvarsson, Andra AP-fonden’s CEO, tel. +46 (0)31 704 29 00 or
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications and Corporate Governance, tel. +46 (0)709 50 16 13.

Andra AP-fonden is one of five buffer funds within the Swedish pension system and one of northern Europe’s largest pension funds. The Fund covers essentially all asset classes across the entire world. We are leading specialists in the Swedish pension system and strive to be a world-class asset manager. We are a global leader in integrating sustainability in our investments, for the benefit of the pension system. The Fund is a long-term and responsible asset manager.

AP Funds’ Council on Ethics to drive positive change even more effectively

The AP Funds’ Council on Ethics is expanding in response to an audit conducted during the year. The Council on Ethics has decided to recruit an executive director whose duties will include establishing an administrative office to continue to drive positive change in companies in which the AP Funds have holdings. 

Since its inception in 2007, the Council on Ethics of the AP Funds, a collaboration between AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4, has built up a strong position both nationally and internationally and today plays a key role in driving positive change, primarily in foreign companies in which the Swedish AP Funds are shareholders, through dialogue and engagement.

At the same time, sustainability issues have been increasingly integrated into and become a major focus of the management strategies and investment processes of the respective AP funds. Against this background, the AP Funds have now jointly reviewed their mission and strategy to ensure that the Council on Ethics continues to be a key partner that is integral to the coordinated sustainability efforts of the AP Funds. 

As part of this initiative, the Council on Ethics has clarified its purpose and set long-term objectives. The Council on Ethics will work to ensure that the AP Funds continue to serve as global role models on sustainability issues. The Council on Ethics will also support the AP Funds in complex and material sustainability issues in order to achieve the objectives that the AP Funds set for themselves.

Previously, screening of the AP Funds’ holdings in listed foreign equities has been carried out twice a year. This initiative will now be extended to cover business loans. The purpose of the screening is to discover whether the holdings can be associated with violations of international conventions ratified by the Riksdag (the Swedish parliament).

In order to implement the new strategy, the Council on Ethics organisation has also been reviewed. It will consist of a board of directors with one member from each Fund appointed by the respective CEO. The Council on Ethics administrative office will be strengthened with the addition of three new positions: an executive director for the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics and two sustainability analysts.

Kristin Magnusson Bernard, CEO AP1, Eva Halvarsson, CEO AP2, Staffan Hansén, CEO AP3 and Niklas Ekvall, CEO AP4, issued the following joint statement:

“The First, Second, Third and Fourth AP Fund work together on sustainability to strengthen the AP Funds as exemplary managers and responsible owners. Developments within and views regarding sustainability have rapidly evolved in recent years, placing increasing demands on our own sustainability work. It is therefore important for us to be proactive and further develop the Council on Ethics so that the good work being done can continue to make progress. The Council on Ethics is a very important collaborative body for the AP Funds, enabling resource-efficient management of potential sustainability risks and thereby also achieving better results for the income pension scheme both today and in the future.

For more information:

Magdalena Håkansson, Chairman of the AP Funds Council on Ethics:
Sara Christensen, Head of Communications, AP1: +46 (0)70-968 1250
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications AP2: +46 (0)70-950 1613
Lil Larås Lindgren, Head of Communications AP3: +46 (0)70-951 7223
Karoline Hammar, Head of Communications AP4: +46 (0)70-603 4553

Council on Ethics of the AP Funds

The AP Funds’ Council on Ethics is a collaboration between AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4 on sustainability issues with the aim of strengthening the AP Funds as exemplary managers and responsible owners, based on a strong foundation of trust and a solid reputation. The aim of the collaborative effort is to achieve a positive impact on portfolio companies and their value chains from an economic, environmental and social perspective. Collaboration within the Council on Ethics has a strong position both nationally and internationally and today plays a key role in driving positive change in foreign companies in which the Swedish AP Funds are shareholders through dialogue and engagement.

The Council on Ethics works both proactively and reactively globally with companies in the portfolios held by the AP Funds. The point of departure is that over time, well-managed and responsible companies provide higher returns at lower risk. The aim of the Council on Ethics is for companies and sectors to use a structured, transparent and systematic approach to working with sustainability.
Read more at www.etikrå

AP2’s broad portfolio mitigated the impact of the turbulent markets

Andra AP-fonden (AP2) reported a total return of -6.2 per cent, after costs, for the first half year of 2022. The result amounted to SEK -27.3 billion and the Fund’s assets amounted to SEK 411.7 billion at the first half of 2022. During the period, SEK 2 billion was transferred to the pension system.

The first six months of 2022 was among the most turbulent ever for the financial markets and the real economy. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is primarily a humanitarian disaster but has also affected energy, food and commodity prices. Inflation has risen to levels not seen in decades and central banks have tightened much more than previously expected. As a result, both equities and bonds have recorded a sharply negative return during the half year.

 “Primarily, it is listed asset classes that were negatively affected during the period. However, the Fund’s broad portfolio has mitigated the impact of the turbulent markets. The Fund’s total return amounted to -6.2 per cent, compared with OMX Stockholm, which during the same period decreased by about 28 per cent and global indices such as MSCI World (excl. currency effects) decreased by about 18 per cent,” says Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2.

“It is positive that our alternative investments, which include unlisted real estate, private equity funds and sustainable infrastructure, generated a return of as much as 10 per cent in these turbulent times,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“AP2’s return since it was launched exceeds the Fund’s expected long-term return. Over the past ten years, the Fund’s return has averaged 8.2 per cent,” says Eva Halvarsson.

Key ratiosJan.-June 2022Jan.-June 2021Jan.-Dec. 2021
Fund capital carried forward, SEK billion411.7421.2441.0
Net result for the period, SEK billion-27.339.262.3
Net outflows to the national pension system, SEK billion-2.0-4.2-7.5
Fund capital brought forward, SEK billion441.0386.2386.2
Asset management costs: operating expenses, %
Asset management costs: commission expenses, %
Total asset management costs, %
Return after costs, %-
Real return after costs, %-9.79.612.0
Annualised return after costs, 5 years, %
Annualised return after costs, 10 years, %
Real annualised return after costs, 10 years, %

Read the full interim report (pdf) on the Fund’s website

AP2’s sustainability work during the first half of 2022 is described in a separate published report at                   

For further information please contact:

Eva Halvarsson, AP2’s CEO, tel. no. (+46) (0)31 704 29 00 or

Ulrika Danielson, Head of Corporate Communications, tel. no. (+46) (0)709 50 16 13.

AP2 publishes its sustainability report for the first half of 2022

The first half of 2022 has been characterized by very turbulent financial markets. Despite this, the Fund has continued to develop its work as a responsible investor and responsible owner. Strong focus has been on how the Fund can contribute to a low-carbon economy.

AP2 publishes a separate half-year report on the Fund’s sustainability work. The reason is that the Fund strives to be as transparent as possible and that a lot is happening in the area of sustainability. The report presents the work based on the Fund’s four focus areas within sustainability: climate, corporate governance, diversity and human rights. The report also includes a section on the Fund’s work on impact.

Creating a low-carbon society requires very substantial investments. AP2 has investments that support the transition in different asset classes.

“One area that requires major investments is sustainable infrastructure, as energy and transport systems need to undergo a rapid transition, from fossil fuels to renewable sources. In 2022, the Fund will further increase its allocation to sustainable infrastructure. We have made a total of seven investments, the most recent of which was during the first half of 2022,” says Eva Halvarsson, CEO of Andra AP-fonden.

“The Fund also believes that sustainable forestry is important for achieving net zero emissions and has therefore decided to define criteria that an investment in timberland must meet in order to be defined as a climate investment,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“Over the past year, we have evaluated how we can understand and measure the impact of our investments – the impact that the investments have on the environment and people. During the spring, we conducted an analysis of the entire listed portfolio based on the impact on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our ambition is to better identify and manage impact risks and opportunities,” says Eva Halvarsson.

Significant events during the first half-year:

  •  The Fund has continued to invest in sustainable infrastructure and during the first half of 2022, additional investments were made.
  • Over the past year, AP2 has evaluated how the Fund can understand and measure the impact of its investments – the impact that the investments have on the environment and people – with two main purposes. One purpose is to make targeted sustainability investments in such a way that the Fund can target, measure and follow up the expected positive impact of these investments. The second is to understand and be able to manage impact risks and opportunities throughout the listed portfolio.
  • A review of the listed portfolio has been carried out, which, among other things, has identified companies that have impact risks and opportunities from a climate perspective. UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Sustainable energies) and 13 (Fighting climate change) are two selected goals in the climate area where the Fund will engage in impact work by following up companies with high risk within the respective sustainability goals.
  • AP2 has developed ten criteria that the Fund’s forest investments must meet in order to be classified as sustainability investments.
  • During the first half of 2022, AP2 voted at 999 foreign and 109 Swedish general meetings.

Read the entire AP2 Sustainability Report for the first half of 2022 on the Fund’s website

For further information please contact:

Eva Halvarsson, AP2’s CEO, tel. no. (+46) (0)31 704 29 00, or
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Corporate Communications, tel. no. (+46) (0)709 50 16 13.

AP2 has published the Female Representation Index for 20 years – During 2022 the proportion of women on boards continues to increase, now amounting to 35.4 percent

Andra AP-fonden (AP2) has for 20 years measured the proportion of women on boards and in executive management teams and published AP2’s Female Representation Index. The Index for 2022 shows that the proportion of women on the boards of companies listed on NASDAQ Stockholm continue to increase and is now 35,4 (34.5) percent. This is the highest level measured since the survey started in 2002. Compared with the relatively small changes that have been in recent years, the increase is relatively large, as the share of women has grown by almost one percentage point.

The proportion of women in executive management teams in listed companies also continues to increase and this year’s increase, from 26.0 to 27.2 per cent, is the largest measured in percentage points. Over time, the trend for women in executive positions has shown much greater stability compared to the trend for boards, particularly in the last decade. However, the long-term trend is also clearly positive with regard to boards of directors.

Despite the increase in the proportion of female board members, the proportion of chairwomen of the board remains largely unchanged with 30 chairwomen in 2022 (up from 29 in the last two years). The number of women who are CEOs this year remains at 43.

“I am pleased that our Female’s Index shows that the proportion of women on boards and management team continues to increase. It shows that neither the companies nor we owners have settled down but continue to work to create a greater diversity,” says Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2.

“The proportion of women on nomination committees increases sharply to 22 per cent from last year’s 16.3. It is interesting to note once again that nominating committees with women correlate favourably with boards that have a higher proportion of women. Boards without nominating committees have a lower proportion of female board members than other companies,” she says.

The proportion of women on the boards of all listed companies, if the CEO is excluded from the board, amounts to 36.3 per cent. On the boards of primary listed large-cap companies, the proportion of women amounts to 40.4 (40.7) percent if the CEO is excluded from the board.

Of the 356 companies in the survey, 296 have at least 25 per cent women on the board (83.1), which is an increase of 3.2 percentage points from 79.9 last year. The share has increased from 90.5 to 93.2 per cent in large cap (+2.7%) and in small cap the increase is from 63.4 to 65.8 per cent (+2.4%). Mid cap, on the other hand, has declined by 0.8 percentage points.

Female board members have, on average, more board assignments than male directors, which could indicate a willingness on the part of companies to have more female directors, but that the number of women considered to be available and suitable board candidates constitutes a bottleneck. The pattern that women have more board assignments than men is unchanged from previous years. It should also be mentioned that the age difference between newly elected men and women has basically blurred this year from the fact that women were previously younger.

Background to AP2’s Female Representation Index
AP2 has since 2003 conducted an annual survey with ISS Nordic Investor Services to determine the proportion of women at middle management level, in executive positions and on the boards of listed companies. The survey for 2022 covered 356 primary and secondary listed companies on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. In addition, the survey records the proportion of women who have graduated from study programmes that constitute the traditional recruitment base for management groups and boards.

For more information, please contact:
Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2, phone +46 (0)31 704 29 00
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications, phone +46 (0)709 50 16 13

The figures refer to the 356 companies included in the survey listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, unless otherwise specified.

AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4 post record profits of SEK 316 billion in 2021

Together, the AP Funds (AP1-AP4) achieved their best result ever of SEK 316 billion. This significantly contributes to the stability of the income pension system and the mission to be of the greatest possible benefit to current and future pensioners.

  • The average return for the year was 19.3 per cent after expenses.
  • The AP Funds’ average return over the past five years and the past ten years respectively is 10.5 and 10.7 per cent per year, compared with the performance of the income index of 2.8 and 2.7 per cent per year over the corresponding time periods. The income index is used to calculate pensions and pension entitlements in the income pension system. When the AP Funds’ return exceeds the performance of the income index, the AP Funds contribute to the strength of the pension system.
  • At the end of 2021, the AP Funds’ total assets under management amounted to SEK 1 937 billion, corresponding to an increase of SEK 285 billion compared with the end of 2020.
  • In 2021, the AP Funds paid out SEK 30 billion to cover shortfalls in the pension system. Since their start in 2001, the AP Funds have made a net contribution to the pension system of SEK 233 billion. At the same time, the Funds’ return has contributed to the financial strength of the pension system and the AP Funds’ share of the pension system now accounts for almost 18 per cent of pension assets, compared with 10 per cent in 2001.
  • In accordance with the Paris Agreement, the AP Funds continued to work on climate change adapting of their portfolios during the year. In 2021, carbon emissions in the portfolios were reduced by a further 14 per cent. Of the year’s reduction in emissions, 5 percentage points were due to the portfolio companies reducing their emissions and 8 percentage points were due to the AP Funds’ portfolio adjustments. 
  • During the year, the Council on Ethics continued its important advocacy work in around 90 company dialogues with a focus on human rights, corporate governance and climate. As sustainability is increasingly being integrated into the Funds’ management strategies and objectives, at the end of 2021 a decision was taken to review the Council on Ethics’ mission and strategy.

Kristin Magnusson Bernard, CEO of AP1, Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2, Kerstin Hessius, CEO of AP3 and Niklas Ekvall, CEO of AP4, jointly commented:

“Our joint results for 2021 are our best ever and amount to as much as SEK 316 billion. We started in 2001 with assets under management of SEK 536 billion, which had grown to SEK 1 937 billion by the end of 2021. The AP Funds deliver long-term returns that have significantly exceeded the performance of the income index over time, which means that the AP Funds have contributed strongly to the stability of the pension system. From a 10-year perspective, the return has been very high, averaging 10.7 per cent per year. Internationally, we are considered to be a role model in sustainability and we have continued to develop this important work through both responsible investments and responsible ownership.”

For more information, see the Funds’ annual reports and sustainability reports at,, and

For more information, contact:

Sara Christensen, Head of Communications, AP1,

Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications, AP2,

Lil Larås Lindgren, Head of Communications, AP3,

Karoline Hammar, Head of Communications, AP4,

The AP Funds (AP1-AP4)

The AP Funds have a mandate from the Swedish Parliament to manage the buffer capital in the national pension system on behalf of the Swedish population for the benefit of current and future pensioners. The AP Funds’ asset management shall be conducted in an exemplary manner through responsible investments and responsible ownership. Particular emphasis must be placed on how to promote sustainable development without compromising on the overarching goal of being of the greatest possible benefit to the pension system. The AP Funds have the same mission, but different management strategies and are governed by the Act on National Pension Insurance Funds (2000:192).

Andra AP-fonden reports its best ever result

Andra AP-fonden’s (AP2) profit of SEK 62.3 billion for 2021 is the best ever reported by the Fund. For 2021, the Fund’s total return amounted to 16.3 per cent, which after net payments of SEK -7.5 billion to the pension system increased the Fund’s assets under management to SEK 441 billion. The relative return was 0.5 per cent.

“AP2’s profit of SEK 62.3 billion is the best ever reported by the Fund. We have had a positive development in virtually all asset classes. This performance was primarily attributable to Swedish and global equities. In addition, we can report a fantastic return of as much as 66.1 per cent on our private equity investments,” says Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2.

“In the past ten years, AP2 has generated a return of 148.5 per cent, corresponding to an average return of 9.5 per cent per year. Less inflation, this corresponds to an annual real return of 8.3 per cent. In 2021, the real return was 12.0 per cent,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“In 2021, the Fund reduced the asset management costs to historically low levels, and the total asset management costs now amounts to 0.11 per cent,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“AP2 celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2021. Since the start in 2001, we have not only increased the Fund’s assets under management by SEK 307 billion, but we have also developed our sustainability activities, making us one of the leading companies in sustainability management in the world today. This is not something that has happened overnight, it has involved constant effort and the commitment and skills of all employees. The Fund will continue to develop and improve this work, with the aim of contributing to sustainable development and to a stronger pension system,” says Eva Halvarsson.

Key ratios31 Dec 202131 Dec 2020
Fund assets under management carried forward, SEK billion441.0386.2
Result for the year, SEK billion62.312.8
Net payments to the national pension system, SEK billion-7.5-7.9
Fund assets under management brought forward, SEK billion386.2381.3
Asset management costs: operating expenses, %0.060.06
Asset management costs: commission expenses, %0.050.08
Total asset management costs, %0.110.14
Return after costs, %16.33.5
Real return after costs, %12.03.0
Annualised return after costs, 5 years, %8.57.3
Annualised return after costs, 10 years, %9.57.7
Real annualised return after costs, 10 years, %8.36.6

The English versions of AP2’s Annual Report 2021, the Sustainability and TCFD reports will be available at from mid March.

For further information, please contact:

Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2, tel. +46 (0)31 704 29 00 or

Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications and Corporate Governance, tel. +46 (0)709 50 16 13

Andra AP-fonden publishes Sustainability Report for 2021

Andra AP-fonden (AP2) continued its intensive efforts to integrate sustainability into its asset management in 2021. The Fund’s approach to sustainability is based on the conviction that sustainability leads to better asset management results, which benefits the income pension system and pensioners. The Fund began working on sustainability issues already at launch just over 20 years ago, and among other things the Fund was one of the founding signatories to the UN’s Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI). AP2 has frequently been a forerunner, for instance, in respect of its investments in green and social bonds, sustainability requirements in agreements entered into with private equity funds, fossil energy company divestments, reporting in accordance with TCFD and UNGPRF, and the alignment of the portfolio with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

“Since the end of 2020, the Fund’s global equity and credit portfolios have been managed in accordance with the criteria of the EU Paris-Aligned Benchmark (PAB). This means that the Fund is no longer invested in around 250 companies because they receive revenue from coal, oil or gas. In 2021, the Fund worked on analysing and developing PAB for the Fund’s management of Swedish equities and in 2022, the Fund will continue to adapt indices and portfolios for other assets in accordance with the criteria for PAB,” says Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2.

“The total carbon emissions of the Fund’s equity portfolios are continuing to decrease and declined by 20 per cent in 2021 compared with the previous year. This was mainly due to changes in holdings, but the companies also contributed a certain amount,” says Eva Halvarsson.

“In 2021, we continued to develop our work on human rights. We have begun the implementation of our updated Policy on Human Rights and have started working towards our long-term goal, which is that the Fund will continue to implement the UN Guiding Principles and that our operations should conform to these by 2025. In 2021, we implemented processes for due diligence and initiated proactive dialogues. We have also published our second report in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework (UNGPRF),” says Eva Halvarsson.

“In 2020, we began investing in sustainable infrastructure, and in 2021 we made additional investments, including an investment made in in partnership with AP1, AP3 and AP4 in the battery manufacturer Northvolt. This type of investment, where we, as representatives of long-term pension assets, are able to invest in projects and companies that contribute to the necessary transition to a low-carbon economy, is growing in scope and importance, both for society at large and as portfolio weighting for us as asset managers,” says Eva Halvarsson.

Significant events during the year

  • In 2021, the Fund worked on analysing and developing the Paris-Aligned Benchmark (PAB) for the Fund’s management of Swedish equities.
  • The Fund published its second Human Rights Report in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework (UNGPRF).
  • For the fourth consecutive year, AP2 published a report in compliance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
  • The Fund was awarded the “Global Stewardship Disclosure Award” by the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN). The purpose of these awards is to recognise those investors who provide genuine insight into their stewardship policies and how they have been implemented, and whose approach to transparency and reporting provides a model that others might follow.
  • At the beginning of June 2021, the Swedish National Audit Office published an audit report on the AP Funds’ sustainability work. It showed that the AP Funds’ sustainability work is appropriate in relation to their mission.

The English versions of AP2’s Sustainability and TCFD reports for 2021 will be available at from mid March.

For further information, please contact:

Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2, tel. +46 (0)31 704 29 00 or
Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications and Corporate Governance, tel. +46 (0)709 50 16 13

AP2 recruits Erik Kleväng Callert to new CIO

Andra AP-fonden (AP2) has recruited Erik Kleväng Callert as the new CIO (Chief Investment Officer). Erik is currently CIO and Sustainability Manager at PRI Pensionsgaranti and has previously been CIO at both SPP Pension & Insurance and at Nordea Life & Pensions. In addition to having extensive and broad experience of leading and developing asset management in large and international organizations, he has also had extensive experience and knowledge in sustainability issues, including being a board member of the Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).

”I look forward to working with Erik. With his combination of leadership skills, broad expertise and experience in asset management and sustainability, he will strongly contribute to the continuing development of AP2 together with the rest of the team at the Fund,” says Eva Halvarsson, CEO of AP2.

“Together with AP2’s competent and experienced employees work to grow the pension assets and at the same time contribute to sustainable development, is something I look forward to,” says Erik Kleväng Callert.

Erik will take up the position in spring 2022 and succeed Hans Fahlin who has chosen to quit after 11 years as CIO at AP2.

Erik Kleväng Callert

For further information please contact:

Eva Halvarsson, AP2’s CEO, tel. no. (+46) (0)31 704 29 00, or

Ulrika Danielson, Head of Corporate Communications, tel. no. (+46) (0)709 50 16 13.

Andra AP-fonden is one of five buffer funds within the Swedish pension system and one of northern Europe’s largest pension funds. The Fund’s assets under management total SEK 421.2 billion (30 June 2021) and cover essentially all asset classes across the entire world. We are leading specialists in the Swedish pension system and strive to be a world-class asset manager. We are a global leader in integrating sustainability in our investments, for the benefit of the pension system. The Fund is a long-term and responsible asset manager.

AP2 receives prestigious award for its sustainability reporting

AP2 has been awarded the prestigious “2021 ICGN Global Stewardship Disclosure Award” by the Global Corporate Governance Network (ICGN).

ICGN awards AP2 the “2021 ICGN Global Stewardship Disclosure Award” for the Fund’s sustainability reporting. The purpose of the award is to recognize those investors who provide genuine insight into their stewardship policies and how they are implemented, and whose approach to disclosure provides a model that others might follow. The Fund receives the award in the category of smaller asset owners (< £60 billion AUM).

We are very honored and proud to receive this award. It shows that we are at the forefront in the world in terms of sustainability reporting and transparency around these issues. Everyone at AP2 works with sustainability in different ways and are involved in what we report externally so this award is really for all employees”, says Ulrika Danielson, Head of Communications and Corporate Governance at AP2.

For further information please contact:

Eva Halvarsson, AP2’s CEO, tel. no. (+46) (0)31 704 29 00, or

Ulrika Danielson, Head of Corporate Communications, tel. no. (+46) (0)709 50 16 13.

Andra AP-fonden is one of five buffer funds within the Swedish pension system and one of northern Europe’s largest pension funds. The Fund’s assets under management total SEK 421.2 billion (30 June 2021) and cover essentially all asset classes across the entire world. We are leading specialists in the Swedish pension system and strive to be a world-class asset manager. We are a global leader in integrating sustainability in our investments, for the benefit of the pension system. The Fund is a long-term and responsible asset manager.