Fund capital, flows and results, SEK million
Fund capital426,040407,112441,045386,224381,350
Net outflows to the
national pension system
Net result for the year23,761–29,24462,34912,77653,042
Return, %
Return on total portfolio before
commission expenses
and operating expenses
Return on total portfolio after
commission expenses
and operating expenses
Annualised return after commission
expenses and operating expenses,
5 years
Annualised return after commission
expenses and operating expenses,
10 years
Risk, %
Standard deviation ex-post,
total portfolio1
Sharpe ratio ex-post,
total portfolio
Management expense ratio as %
of managed capital

Management expense ratio,
incl. commission expenses
Management expense ratio,
excl. commission expenses
Currency exposure, %2223343434
Total carbon emissions,
Scope 1–32
Total carbon emissions
(million tCO₂e)3
Corporate governance
Number of nomination committees1298
Voting at general meetings, Swedish127121134
Voting at general meetings, foreign1,4011,2611,092
  1. Calculated on a 10-year quarterly return. ↩︎
  2. Carbon measurements as from and including 2019 are based on a broader universe of carbon data and a refined method of estimating greenhouse gas emissions from non-reporting companies. As companies in the portfolio improve and increase their reporting of CO2e data, AP2 also revises historical data. There may therefore be deviations in comparison with previous reports. The measurement includes the Fund’s investments in listed equities, corporate bonds, government bonds (Scope 1), unlisted real estate, sustainable infrastructure and farmland and timberland. The Fund does not have any Scope 3 data for farmland. ↩︎
  3. The 2019–2022 period includes estimated data for the asset classes for which there is no historical data. ↩︎